Saturday, April 17, 2010

Article 13 --- 4/17/2010

As we have been talking about all semester, science and technology play a huge role in our society. This article by Danish Muzaffar entitled Indispensable Importance of Studying Technology and Society studies this matter. Obviously, there would be no science and technology without society. As Muzaffar states, naturally society has the biggest say in any scientific or technological advancement. Our society also holds the final answer in deciding whether or not this technology is beneficial or not. I chose this article because it goes a long with the discussion question of my group this week and this article in some ways explains this. Muzaffar looks at this relationship from a slightly different angle then I have in my previous articles. He states that science is a field that grows relatively everyday and there is always an area that demands scientific intervention. And that is where the technology comes in. Without science, there would be no technology and without technology, our scientific research would be much more slim than it is today. When we take a step back and look at just how far we have come, it is amazing. Another example Muzaffar gives on the relationship between science, technology and society is the one of research dealing with animals. As he says, if there were no say in society, we might would have or eventually come to the point that instead of animals, we would one day be using human beings as research such as the nazis did during the reign of Hitler. He also goes to talk about how more and more jobs are requiring basic knowledge of the new advances in science and technology. Our world is changing so much every single day that if we don't stay on top of things, we can out date ourselves in a short period of time. Science and technology has not only been affected greatly by society but has also greatly affected society itself. One way this is true is DNA. Without science and technology the study of DNA would be impossible. I did not realize how much these three things affected each other as much as they do. Everything we do these days revolves around our society which is a product of science and technology.

-Adam Traywick

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