Sunday, April 11, 2010

Article 12 --- 4/11/2010,-Technology,-and-Society&id=2295834

Appropriate for the purpose of this class obviously, I chose this article entitled The Relationship Between Science, Technology and Society written by Danish Muzaffar. This article was about how the relationship between science and technology has such a great effect on society and how society has an equally great effect on science and technology. As the article states, "Without society then there would be no science and technology." Considering this quote, this is actually the main reason that certain tools and equipment have aided in achieving many things. One of the things that science and technology has helped create is the computer which is the greatest thing that has happened since sliced bread. Anyone can agree with this statement because of the simple fact that it has helped make many things so much easier in our society. Computer among a vast amount of other things have been the result of science and technology. This also applies to the world as a whole, not only our society. The article states that: "The developing world has a long tradition of participatory action research, popular education and community organization joining up to solve some science and technology issues that effect the society." The relationship between science, technology and society is very undermined. Everything that we do and encounter on an everyday basis is the cause of the relationship between science, technology and society. The government has even began to intervene in this issue. We have began to fund certain things such as stem cell research and cloning. These are things that some would argue are unimportant and not worthy to spend as money as we have on, but no matter what your views are, it is amazing that through science and technology our society is able to do this. Our society has made huge bounds since the industrial revolution and we have used science and technology to create what our world is today, with the help of a certain person. Science and technology is a major part of the lives of our citizens in the country as well as citizens in other countries around the world. The relationship between science and technology is a very important one that we should not ignore. We have accomplished many new things and I believe there are many other things out there that are waiting to be discovered.

-Adam Traywick

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